ソニックチームロゴムービーの制作 / Production: Sonic Team Animated Logo
今年度展開しているソニックのIP活動「PROJECT SONIC '22(ツーツー)」では、ソニックフロンティアやソニックオリジンズなどのゲームに加えて、物販やソーシャルメディアでの活動、アーティストやインフルエンサーさんとのコラボなど、様々な施策を通じて、ファンの皆さんにも楽しんで頂いているかなと思います。
ソニック クリエイティブディレクター
星野 一幸
Hey Sonic Fans! The Sonic IP is working on becoming bigger than ever. This year with "PROJECT SONIC '22" we are developing more than just Sonic Frontiers and Sonic Origins. We are also working on getting Sonic out on more mediums such as merch, social media, collaborations with artists and influencers, and more! We hope that our fans enjoy these activities as much as we do.
As part of this effort, we are pleased to bring you a brand new, " Sonic Team Animated Logo! "
The Sonic Team is full of energy and motivation, consisting of veteran team members, who have been here for a long, long time, and newcomers bringing in their own fresh take on things. These talented groups of people are able to come together to make this team even stronger. We want our fans to know that when they see this logo, they are guaranteed to get a good game from Sonic Team.
My team and I look forward to showing off this new logo movie to our fans on multiple occasions in the future.
Sonic Creative Director
Kazuyuki Hoshino
床井 健一
I feel that this new, fast, and dynamic footage of the blue blur is not only exciting, but also artistic. Because of that I also felt both honored and nervous to have the responsibility of producing the sound that would accompany this new Sonic Team logo movie.
The Chaos Emerald jingle has a history being used with the 20 year and the 30 year anniversary logos and is immediately identifiable as an element from Sonic the Hedgehog, which is why I thought it was the most appropriate sound to use. But in order to make it worthy of this new logo animation, an epic orchestral arrangement was made that I later adjusted during the sound mixing process to perfectly blend the sound effects with the new animation.
I'm looking forward to everyone picking up on the spirit and power of Sonic Team as we search for new ways to create fun experiences, as well as being something both recognizable as Sonic but also being a new, elevated creation.
Sound Director
Kenichi Tokoi
クリエイティブチームからのコメント / Comments from the Creative Team
鈴木 陽太・山本 太陽/株式会社flapper3
Yota Suzuki, Taiyo Yamamoto / flapper3 Inc.
With Sonic expanding into Hollywood in recent years, we tried to expand on the image of Green Hill Zone, which is our signature location. We started to take it in some new directions to a more modern, and maybe some would call it an abstract direction, in the hope that it will be used for a variety of different works and give a different mood.
We on the camera work to emphasize a sense of speed, in order to bring out the Sonic-ness of the blue blur that we all love. We of course kept a keen eye on the quality of the motion as speed is super important for Sonic! We will admit that we spent a bit too much time on this animation...
With that said, our goal is that even if you don't know the specific details mentioned above, we hope our feelings of "We are just getting started! " is communicated over to our fans and you become equally excited!
伊藤 晃/マーザ・アニメーションプラネット株式会社
Sonic the Hedgehog is one of Sega's most popular and beloved IPs. I was delighted to be involved in the production of the team logo, but at the same time, I felt a lot of pressure.
After reviewing the opening and event videos that we have produced in the past, we came down to the conclusion that "Sonic = Speed" was the key element. I believe that we have created an animated logo with a sense of speed that everyone can associate with our beloved blue blur.
I hope that you will feel excited when you see this Sonic Team logo, knowing that a new experience with Sonic is about to begin!
プレビズから完成まで Progress from preliminary vision to final

デザイン提案時の資料 Design proposal materials

リング取得エフェクト作成時のスクリーンショット Screenshot of the creation of the ring effects